Sunday, April 25, 2010

A Xoikoi to a PsycheKoi. Both seeking Pneumatikoi Intervention...

101. I'm learning?
021. I'm here!
4/4 time. We're dancing.
Telepath sincere...

The flatter I am. You get.
The sharper you are. I got.
Humpty Dumpty in pampers.
More kinky, more kooky than bought.

Caught up in the moment.
The moment goes on and on.
How long will it last
the moment in a zone?

Zone in on an instant.
Bzzz... almost there.
Will the shield hold, I wonder?
A question for a bear.

021. I'm leery.
101. I thought.
4/4. Yep, the commons.
Striving to walk the talk.

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