Friday, December 24, 2010


Blessings of Peace Kin Kin. Thank you Sane and Reverent Allies of Living, Loving Light.

Mergers happen as well as divergence. I friended a fella on facebook a couple of weeks ago that's a DreamSpell practitioner(?) I've been leery of DreamSpell for the most part because it follows a mutating count. A revised article by John Major Jenkins can be found at and another article by Carl Calleman can be found at

Anyway, after friending this fella on facebook I began to look at the DreamSpell day signs and noticed that the guide kin for the days were the same. Apparently this went on for a couple of weeks, perhaps months. Starting December 21, 2010, the guide kin began to diverge. I'm guessing they'll merge again as we continue journeying through time. As I have no idea of what reasons Dr. Arguelles has for mutating his count and have not studied his recent work, I won't bother to speculate here.

Happy Holidays!

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