Sunday, May 2, 2010

Spills and Shakes. Whatever it Takes???


Blessings of Peace Kin Kin. Thank you Sane and Reverent Allies of Living, Loving Light.

With all the earthquakes this year, and the oil spill disaster that's ongoing in the Gulf of Mexico, I feel visiting the Civilization Type system is appropriate. 

"What's a Civilization Type System," you may wonder?

I first heard about civilization types, the Kardashev scale, watching a video interview of Michio Kaku, a renown American theoretical physicist specializing in string field theory. He states that when physicist look into outer space, they're looking for "energy signatures" of civilizations. The Kardashev scale has three designated categories. 
  • Type  Zero, (not designated,) the world now... uses dead things, (coal, oil,) to power our civilization.
  • Type One, Planetary Civilization... uses and control their planetary resources, (weather, earthquakes, volcanoes,) to power their civilization. 
  • Type Three, Galactic Civilization... uses and control their galaxy's energy, (billions of stars, black holes,) to power their civilization.                                                                                                                             
  • Type Four, (not designated,) Universal Civilization... uses and control their Universe's energy (billions of galaxies, black holes,) to power their civilizations. 
  • Type Five, (not designated,) Multiversal Civilization... uses and control multiple Universal energy (infinite? Universes,) to power their civilization.
          Here's a short video with Dr. Kaku and a link to an article from his website.

          What all does this have to do with the Mayan calendar? 

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