Sunday, May 23, 2010

Crack Pot Theory Number One...

Thursday-Sunday, May 23, 2010

Blessings of Peace Kin Kin. Thank you Sane and Reverent Allies of Living, Loving Light.
This image is an ancient symbol for the sun. It is also a symbol representing consciousness. It is compose of a point inside a circle A point is a geometric element that has position but no extension; "a point is defined by its coordinates." A circle is the figure formed by the group of points that are an equal distance from a point, or center.

I began writing about the Kardashev scale or “Civilization Type” oMay 2, 2010.

  • Type Zero, (not designated,) The world now... uses dead things (oil, coal, uranium,) to power our civilization.

  • Type One, Planetary Civilization... uses and control their planetary resources and phenomena, (weather, earthquakes, volcanoes,) to power their civilization, (“Buck Roger's in the 25th Century.”)

  • Type TwoStellar Civilization... uses and control their sun's energy, (solar flares and the like,) to power their civilization, (Star Trek.)

  • Type ThreeGalactic Civilization... uses and control their galaxy's energy, (black holes, billions of stars, planetary systems,) to power their civilization, (The Empire from “Star Wars.”)

  • Type Four, (not designated,) Universal Civilization... uses and control their Universe's energy (billions of galaxies, black holes, stellar and planetary systems,) to power their civilizations.

  • Type Five, (not designated,) Multiversal Civilization... uses and control multiple Universal energy (infinite? Universes,) to power their civilization.

Michio Kaku, (and I'm guessing other physicists,) assert that we are a Type Zero civilization. It certainly seems that way. For the most part it's all oil, coal, and uranium. Yet what if Type Zero is the illusion!!! or at least, part of the ruse. Yep, Crackpot theory Number One.
I have a reason for thinking this.

05 – galactic center.
08 – solar center.
13 – planetary center.

33 remains a mystery. I include it here for consistency.


I got excited when I made the Fibonacci and Chinese zodiac connection. It had eluded me for years.

1.) Chinese zodiac – 12 signs, each with 5 elements... 12 x 5 = 60.

2.) Mayan (Tzolki'n and Long Count) Tzolki'n - 13 tones with 20 glyphs... 13 x 20 = 260. Tun system – cycles of 18 and 20... 18 x 20 = 360.

3.) Western zodiac – 12 signs each containing 30 degrees... 12 x 30 = 360 degrees.

There are several schools of “astrology” but the three systems above are what I work with. I don't work with these systems in an astrological sense. I work with them because of their numbers, and I've given myself poetic license in how I work with them.

I learned of the Kardashev Scale in the summer of 2005 before I had made the connection between the Fibonacci and Chinese zodiac. I assigned the Mayan system to Type 2 (Stellar civilization, ) and Type 3 (Galactic civilization,) to the Western zodiac. When I made the Chinese zodiac Fibonacci connection, I found a Type 1 (Planetary civilization.) Keep in mind that I'm working with poetic license and not fact.

Argüelles had me thinking of the Tzolki'n as a communication device, and Calleman planted the evolution of consciousness concept of the long count. I became aware of the Kardashev scale when I stumbled upon an interview with Michio Kaku. Mix that up with Graham Hancock's Fingerprints of the Gods, and J.J. Hurtak's The Book of Knowledge: The Keys of Enoch along with a healthy dose of poetic license and you've got Crackpot theory Number One really beginning to shape up.

At this point in time Type 0 systems are getting a fair share of attention. The Gulf Disaster comes to mind right off the bat. In April there was the coal mine disaster in Virginia. and just this week, another coal mine disaster in Turkey.

Type 1 disasters began getting my attention this year starting with the earthquake in Haiti on January 12. The next to get my attention was the one in Baja California Mexico on April 4.
27 major earthquakes to date this year, 72 in 2009. The Eyjafjallajokul volcano erupted in Iceland earlier in March. Here's a paragraph from Wikipedia about the eruption

“Beginning on April 14, 2010, the eruption entered a second phase and created an ash cloud that led to the closure of most of Europe's IFR airspace from April 15 until April 20, 2010. Consequently, a very high proportion of flights within, to, and from Europe were canceled, creating the highest level of air travel disruption since the Second World War.

When the Gulf Disaster began I didn't even hear about Nashville, TN flooding on Monday, May 3 until several weeks after the fact.

Kaku states that the transition from Type 0 to Type 1 is the most dangerous (check out the video from May 2, 2010.) He refers to terrorist as the bad guys, yet I have a feeling it's all our responsibility. Vroom vroom.

I can't help but wonder. I don't know if I've actually presented Crack Pot Theory Number One. This seems a bit vague though excruciatingly obvious.

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