Tuesday, February 8, 2011


Thursday-Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Blessings of Peace Kin Kin. Thank you Sane and Reverent Allies of Living, Loving Light.

Study. Study. Study. Kinda nervous about the "Dude Is Whacked," post but hey, for me, this facing fear. Back to studies.

Saturday, February 5, 2011

Slowing Down but...

Thursday-Saturday, February 5, 2011

Blessings of Peace Kin Kin. Thank you Sane and Reverent Allies of Living, Loving Light.


Friday, February 4, 2011

Continuing With A Theme...

Thursday-Friday, February 4, 2011

Blessings of Peace Kin Kin. Thank you Sane and Reverent Allies of Living, Loving Light.


Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Dude is Whacked...

Thursday-Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Blessings of Peace Kin Kin. Thank you Sane and Reverent Allies of Living, Loving Light.

Happy Groundhog Day! If the superstition holds true then spring will be early this year! Sounds good to me.

We had a snow day here in Las Cruces, so I've been catching up on the reading for the history class I'm taking, One Hundred Years of Solitude by Gabriel Garcia Marquez. I'm thoroughly enjoying the read. Hopefully, I'll be able to figure out a paper for it this weekend to tie it into the wars for independence in Latin America.

I keep hoping to hear back about the ethanol folks that supposedly "do" ethanol here in Las Cruces, but then maybe it's all a ruse. Wouldn't be the first time I've been hoodwinked.

Somebody is starting to read this journal. How weird. I figured it was just easy to access data for the future. The one thing about writing is that it's much easier to scan for information unlike audio or video. Yet if one has access to written as well as audio and visual data... Yeah, this is going somewhere.

A couple of weeks ago somebody mentioned "psychotonic warfare" in a message while I was still working with facebook. So I Googled it and Yahoo'd it and it's pretty out there. Not that "out there" perplexes me. I figured the weird phenomena I've experienced since the 1990's had to do with nanotechnology, and maybe it does. The guy who mentioned "psychotronic warfare" never replied but then I sent him and his lover a pretty out there email and I was all ready picking up some fairly negative vibes from the boyfriend...so not surprised.

Today, I found a short NPR interview with Gloria Naylor, author of The Women of Brewster's Place which was made into a mini-series by Oprah Winfrey. You can listen to it here. The interview is about her book, 1996, which tells her story about this "psychotronic" phenomena. If you want, Google "psychotronic warfare," and you can read for yourself the "out there" claims regarding this technology. And it is pretty "out there."

I've always thought the weirdness I experience/sense is nanotechnology because I feel like I have a camera in my head. As I take some very tailored cocktails, I figured the nanocams were in them. Maybe it is "psychotronic hoo ha." Whatever it is, I'm sure the ratings are down these days.

The following is from "The Jamaican Letter" by Simon Bolivar. It's paraphrased at times yet I found it so resonant with our age.

“Americans today, and perhaps to a greater extent than ever before, who live within the...system occupy a position in society no better than that of serfs destined for labor, or at best they have no more status than that of mere consumers.” “Is it not an outrage and a violation of human rights to expect a land so splendidly endowed, so vast, rich and populous, to remain merely passive?”

From the foregoing, [I]…draw [this] conclusion. [This] American…[is] fighting for his freedom, and [I intend to] succeed.”

When success is not assured, when the state is weak, and when results are distantly seen, all men hesitate; opinion is divided, passions rage, and the enemy fans these passions in order to win an easy victory because of them. As soon as we are strong and under the guidance of a liberal [mind] which will lend us [its] protection, we will achieve accord in cultivating the virtues and talents that lead to glory. Then will we march majestically toward that great prosperity for which [humankind] is destined.” Simon Bolivar, “The Jamaican Letter.”

This was the bulk of a paper I wrote for the history class I'm taking. It, more than anything else in the textbook, got my mind whirling. Yowsas!!! I'm guessing I'll get a pretty sucky grade because the rest of the paper was ughhh... Oh well, keep at it. Just keep at it.

I intend to get to "All this has happened before. All this will happen again," which is actually the first line of Disney's "Peter Pan" but BSG is what really got me wondering.



Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Fracking Veracity...

Thursday-Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Blessings of Peace Kin Kin. Thank you Sane and Reverent Allies of Living, Loving Light.

The GasLand movie has got me stressing. Whew! Today I was wondering about its veracity. Ya know, the truth factor. Anyway, from the Gasland site...

The Truth Behind Gasland
Gasland is going a long way in spreading public awareness about gas drilling and the risks it poses on human and environmental health. Nationwide response to the film has been overwhelmingly positive. The Oil and Gas Industry's response: not so enthusiastic.

"Energy-In-Depth" is a PR Firm/Lobbying Group funded by the American Petroleum Institute. They are putting a misleading spin on information in Gasland to soothe and silence public curiosity about gas drilling.

The work of Energy-In-Depth lacks journalistic credibility and educated opinion. It's nothing short of an attack on truth. For public interest, we’ve prepared a response to their self-serving claims on gas drilling. Click here to learn more and pass along to friends.

As I'm dealing with less then shining time management skills and then some, writing here is not my high on my priority list. I do intend to  post when I can or something just has to be put out here.
