Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Fracking Veracity...

Thursday-Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Blessings of Peace Kin Kin. Thank you Sane and Reverent Allies of Living, Loving Light.

The GasLand movie has got me stressing. Whew! Today I was wondering about its veracity. Ya know, the truth factor. Anyway, from the Gasland site...

The Truth Behind Gasland
Gasland is going a long way in spreading public awareness about gas drilling and the risks it poses on human and environmental health. Nationwide response to the film has been overwhelmingly positive. The Oil and Gas Industry's response: not so enthusiastic.

"Energy-In-Depth" is a PR Firm/Lobbying Group funded by the American Petroleum Institute. They are putting a misleading spin on information in Gasland to soothe and silence public curiosity about gas drilling.

The work of Energy-In-Depth lacks journalistic credibility and educated opinion. It's nothing short of an attack on truth. For public interest, we’ve prepared a response to their self-serving claims on gas drilling. Click here to learn more and pass along to friends.

As I'm dealing with less then shining time management skills and then some, writing here is not my high on my priority list. I do intend to  post when I can or something just has to be put out here.


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