Tuesday, May 10, 2011

 Thursday-Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Blessings of Peace Kin Kin. Thank you Sane and Reverent Allies of Living, Loving Light.

Wow! So much to write about that I wonder where to begin. The semester is over. I begin summer school in a few weeks. Hopefully I'll be able to get some required courses out of the way and will begin courses in my major come fall.

In some ways this semester was a nexus of information streams and it almost bowled me over. The first thing that happened was I learned about the "technological singularity" The "technological singularity refers to the hypothesis that technological progress will become extremely fast, and so make the future unpredictable and qualitatively different from today." Check out the article on wikipedia for an overview.

Around the same time as finding out about the technological singularity, I finished reading The 12th Planet by Zecharia Sitchin. Basically in the book Sitchin purposes that humanity is a genetic creation of a mix of humanoid earth stock with alien (Anunnaki,) gene's. We were created to mine gold for them. Yes, out there... but it's given me much to think on.

I began reading the Sitchin material because of reading The Book of Knowledge: The Keyes of Enoch, by JJ Hurtak. The Enoch book is huge tome about Yahweh and his plan. It's a blend of science and religion reading like a grand science fiction epic. On page 163 of the Enoch book the last sentence of paragraph 59 reads "(In the larger program of redemption it must be realized that space and time do not exist.)" This got my attention as I verge on monomania in relation to the time graph. The time graph is a 2 dimensional representation of time. It can just as well be read 3 dimensionally as well.

The third thing that tied into this nexus was learning of the March 23, 2011 death of Jose Argüelles on April 8, 2011. For some reason the information sent me into a funk of sorts. I've always considered him an ally though we had never met. I consider him an ally on the other side now.

Have begun The Stairway to Heaven which is the second book in the series and I intend to read all of his Earth Chronicles books to see what all he has to say.

A scattered re-entry...as in no nice wrap ups.


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