Sunday, January 2, 2011

Mind The Gap..;-)

Thursday-Sunday, January 2, 2011
Blessings of Peace Kin Kin. Thank you Sane and Reverent Allies of Living, Loving Light.

So much thanks and gratitude, and at the same time oodles of frustration and bits of anxiety, or is it reversed? Whichever, it makes for perplexity!

I've been wondering how to make sense of the guide kin mergers and divergences. I've discovered that whenever it's a one day on the indigenous count there's a divergence of the two system's guide kin. The guide kin from the two counts converge again when the indigenous count is 5. At first this perplexed me but then it dinged... DreamSpell mutates every leap year.

Though I've been working with the DreamSpell plug and play keyword chart since 1996, I've just recently started working with the mutating DreamSpell count, and I'm realizing I need to step lightly as I'm not that familiar with ArgÜelles' time philosophies. The indigenous count does not mutate. It stays the same leap year day or no leap year day... A day is a day is a day... DreamSpell skips leap year day. "Uh, where did that day go?" Anyway, in the current mutation cycle the Indigenous and DreamSpell day numbers line up like this...
Indigenous...     1,        2,       3,       4,     5,     6,     7,     8,     9,   10,    11,   12,   13...
DreamSpell...    10,     11,     12,     13,     1,     2,     3,     4,     5,     6,     7,     8,     9...

The day glyphs currently line up like this...

Indigenous        DreamSpell
Dragon                Moon
Wind                    Dog
Night                   Monkey
Seed                    Human
Serpent              Skywalker
Death                 Wizard
Hand                  Eagle
Star                    Warrior
Moon                 Earth
Dog                   Mirror
Monkey             Storm
Human              Sun
Skywalker        Dragon
Wizard              Wind
Eagle                Night
Warrior             Seed
Earth                Serpent
Mirror               Death
Storm               Hand
Sun                  Star

Not sure where this is going or that I'll get to it.

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