Monday, January 31, 2011

Those Frackers!!!

Thursday-Monday,  January 31, 2011

Blessings of Peace Kin Kin. Thank you Sane and Reverent Allies of Living, Loving Light.

"GasLand," is something else! If you have the time and want to know what might happen to our WATER, and much more, watch it.

On a lighter note...Because our water is...


Sunday, January 30, 2011

What the Frack!

Thursday-Sunday, January 30, 2011

Blessings of Peace Kin Kin. Thank you Sane and Reverent Allies of Living, Loving Light.

Just heard about Josh Fox from Caroline Casey's latest radio show. He's made a movie about hydraulic fracturing. Here's a quote from the site  Click on "Drilling Areas" for video clips from all over the states about different effects from hydraulic fracturing.

How does hydraulic fracturing work?
Hydraulic fracturing or fracking is a means of natural gas extraction employed in deep natural gas well drilling. Once a well is drilled, millions of gallons of water, sand and proprietary chemicals are injected, under high pressure, into a well. The pressure fractures the shale and props open fissures that enable natural gas to flow more freely out of the well.

You can view the movie here for the time being

Here's an interview Jon Stewart did with T. Boone Pickens, an American financier who chairs the hedge fund BP Capital Management. Mr. Pickens advocates fracking. Apparently, Mr. Pickens hasn't seen any of the footage from GasLand. Again, go to and click on "Drilling Areas" for the video clips. Check out the Colorado clip.

The Stewart interview is 22 minutes. I can't believe Jon is...

The Daily Show With Jon StewartMon - Thurs 11p / 10c
Exclusive - T. Boone Pickens Extended Interview

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

A Bungle of a Day...

Thursday-Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Blessings of Peace Kin Kin. Thank you Sane and Reverent Allies of Living, Loving Light.

What a twit! Hardly after I posted the previous entry...I found myself responding to THREE ads on Craigslist. One was really interesting. The other two were corn dog material for sure. C'est la vie! And then - get this... This AM, I missed the bus to campus so came home to study what I was missing in math class. Then, I la la la back to the bus stop on time, (for the bus anyway,) and realize I've missed my second class, the one I feel might really help with this time graph. Jeez, I am making no points with the instructors, not to mention my grade. Aghhh!!!

On a lighter note, I heard back from the folks that might introduce me to the Ethanol folks. I'm hoping to be working with them, and still be able to pull this all off. Yikes!!!

I'll end here with the latest ditty I posted over at  Cheers!


No longer a “Guiding Light” though
“As The World Turns” still airs.
I’m not on “The Edge of Night.”
How many lives does a cat have there?

Hmm… I wonder what’s the point?
Go shh… Still wondering how to ask…
what is Plantation Journalism?
“Wassup massa?” with slavic snap.

Imagination. po E.T.
et al joins in tune.
Sounds like a sick frog to me,
yet I love IT. Yes, I do.


Tuesday, January 18, 2011

An Attempt at Renovation...

Thursday-Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Blessings of Peace Kin Kin. Thank you Sane and Reverent Allies of Living, Loving Light.

Gosh, how to renovate a corrupt situation when so much seems corrupt? I wonder why I even come here and write. One of the reasons I came back to school is because I don't have a clue what's really going on in the world at large.

I've been watching television shows to get an idea of what the media is putting out. It's very sexy, that's for sure but I don't know what the kids are up to. I go onto Craigslist and there are ads galore for sex. It's so tempting to go back to shallow love. I consider an erection a shallow form of love because it involves the heart quite literally.

Anyway, ambiguous but kind of excited about being back in school. It's nerve wracking for reasons I won't go into.

I've been totally fixated on ethanol as a sustainable fuel source, but am just learning more about biodiesel from algae. NMSU is doing a lot in this department. So who knows where this time will lead.

Thank you for this opportunity - you and the Great Unknown. I pray we make it.


Monday, January 17, 2011

Lucidity I Intend...

Thursday-Monday, January 17, 2011

Blessings of Peace Kin Kin. Thank you Sane and Reverent Allies of Living, Loving Light.

I thought I'd share this video here. Naomi Klein is as lucid as anyone I've heard. Cheers!

Friday, January 14, 2011

Three's A Charm...

Thursday-Friday, January 14, 2011

Blessings of Peace Kin Kin. Thank you Sane and Reverent Allies of Living, Loving Light.

Believe it or not, I have a load to write about. Whether I'll be able to get to it or get it out in a timely fashion... I don't know who out there reads this, and to be honest, a heightened amygdala prevents me from going full throttle, yet maybe I'll get back to some semblance of courage.

I've been enjoying working with both the indigenous and DreamSpell counts. Since 1996 I've thought of DreamSpell as the cable vision count. No disrespect to the Argüelles'. Actually, I mean no disrespect to anyone whose feathers I ruffle with words I type.

Today, I begin the first day of classes at New Mexico State University. I'm excited and nervous. I'm loving the day sign interplay with the entrance into this institution. All I think about is energy though. There's not a day that goes by that I don't think about David Blume and all he's doing promoting Alcohol Can Be A Gas, as a sustainable, regenerative fuel source. I met some folks with the NMSU Office of Sustainability and they're going to connect me with some people that actually DO ethanol. Maybe...

I all ready entertain the idea that I'm/we're dealing with way more than type 0 humans. If this is all a resonance thing than imagine the magnitude of energy crisis for the other civilization types. Phew!!!

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Psychotronic Legacey... All American Woof!!!

Thursday-Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Blessings of Peace Kin Kin. Thank you Sane and Reverent Allies of Living, Loving Light.

 Thank goodness for Pipi Longstocking! I was going to remove a post tonight and lo and behold! the overseers of the technosphere, (google's anyway,) had already saved me the trouble. No assumptions but I guess... that it was me misplacing it;-) Maybe it was a dream. There's no record of it here, and some dreams these days... Phew!!! Ah, found it and edited.

Back to DreamSpell noticings...

I've written earlier that I've just started working with the DreamSpell count. I had assumed the DreamSpell count mutated to sync up with the indigenous count on December 21, 2012, but no... Since Calleman and Argüelles are hanging in the same quadrant these days, I've been looking at Calleman's theorized end date (October 28, 2011,) and the conventional accepted end date (December 21, 2012,) alongside the DreamSpell count.

October 28, 2011(Calleman's proposed end date.)

December 21, 2012 (conventional accepted end date.)

I'm enjoying observing the differences.


Saturday, January 8, 2011

Thursday-Saturday, January 8, 2011

Blessings of Peace Kin Kin. Thank you Sane and Reverent Allies of Living, Loving Light.

And so continues another chapter in this life I experience. Dunno what to expect. As privacy is an illusion... LOL! Dunno when I'll be back, but I've that intention. Until then... Cheers.

Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Thursday-Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Blessings of Peace Kin Kin. Thank you Sane and Reverent Allies of Living, Loving Light.

There are people I thought I'd see but didn't. There were things I had hoped to do yet... Sometimes I wonder if I'm not going about this the wrong way. It's not like I plan everything out. Most of the time it's all based on feeling.

Fingers crossed and uncrossed. Blessings of love, light, and abundance. Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!

Sunday, January 2, 2011

Mind The Gap..;-)

Thursday-Sunday, January 2, 2011
Blessings of Peace Kin Kin. Thank you Sane and Reverent Allies of Living, Loving Light.

So much thanks and gratitude, and at the same time oodles of frustration and bits of anxiety, or is it reversed? Whichever, it makes for perplexity!

I've been wondering how to make sense of the guide kin mergers and divergences. I've discovered that whenever it's a one day on the indigenous count there's a divergence of the two system's guide kin. The guide kin from the two counts converge again when the indigenous count is 5. At first this perplexed me but then it dinged... DreamSpell mutates every leap year.

Though I've been working with the DreamSpell plug and play keyword chart since 1996, I've just recently started working with the mutating DreamSpell count, and I'm realizing I need to step lightly as I'm not that familiar with ArgÜelles' time philosophies. The indigenous count does not mutate. It stays the same leap year day or no leap year day... A day is a day is a day... DreamSpell skips leap year day. "Uh, where did that day go?" Anyway, in the current mutation cycle the Indigenous and DreamSpell day numbers line up like this...
Indigenous...     1,        2,       3,       4,     5,     6,     7,     8,     9,   10,    11,   12,   13...
DreamSpell...    10,     11,     12,     13,     1,     2,     3,     4,     5,     6,     7,     8,     9...

The day glyphs currently line up like this...

Indigenous        DreamSpell
Dragon                Moon
Wind                    Dog
Night                   Monkey
Seed                    Human
Serpent              Skywalker
Death                 Wizard
Hand                  Eagle
Star                    Warrior
Moon                 Earth
Dog                   Mirror
Monkey             Storm
Human              Sun
Skywalker        Dragon
Wizard              Wind
Eagle                Night
Warrior             Seed
Earth                Serpent
Mirror               Death
Storm               Hand
Sun                  Star

Not sure where this is going or that I'll get to it.

Saturday, January 1, 2011

Thursday-Saturday, January 1, 2011 (1/1/11)

Blessings of Peace Kin Kin. Thank you Sane and Reverent Allies of Living, Loving Light.

Happy New Year!